Our culture is one of ministry and mission by the saints

There is A LOT that happens at Lower Mountains Anglican! Our people - both men and women, young and old - serve week in and week out to love God and others. We believe that Jesus has given every Christian the gifts and opportunities to serve (minister) to their fellow Christians and to the community around them. We see this happening at Lower Mountains Anglican week-in and week-out as people express love to one another, pray for one-another, serve, provide, train and teach.

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Meet Ken

Ken Noakes lovingly leads our team and church. He wants everyone to come to know Jesus and have their lives changed by him - so much so that he even wrote a book about it!

Meet Nick

Running our 'Administry' on Wed-Fri, Nick Laurence-Rogers is the friendly face that greets you in the office, or the dulcet tones that welcomes your phone call. Hear more about his story of living with chronic pain and following Jesus in the video
Meet Rachael
Rachael Connor shares her love of Jesus with our kids and equips our leaders to serve and love others - she can often be found dressed up as a pirate captain, space commander, or Olympic coach!



Meet Dave

Dave Swan looks after our families and anything that requires the use of a ladder. He can often be found coming up with awesome ideas to show people who Jesus is, pouring coffee for playgroup, or watching NRL.
Meet Trevor and Linda

Trevor and Linda oversee our Pastoral Care and Funerals ministry. When they aren't caring for people in our church they can be found caring for their grandkids (or Trevor can be found on the golf course...)

Meet Paul

Paul helps our church to make Jesus known to people in our local community. He loves reading, art and superhero movies. He is married to Carolyn and has four teenage children, who he enjoys embarrassing with his Dad jokes.

Meet Nick

Nick helps our church embrace everyone that walks through the door. He also oversees our young adults ministries and the youth leading team. He wants everyone to have the chance to hear about why Jesus is better than anything this world has to offer.
Disciples making Disciples

We have a number of Ministry Trainees at Lower Mountains Anglican. We are a church that is focused on the wider of the Kingdom of God - and so we raise up, train up, and send out trainees to Sydney, Australia, and the World.

We have a number of retired ministers who mentor our trainees in partnership with the ministry team.

Safe Ministry
Lower Mountains Anglican is a safe place for all

Everyone - staff and volunteers - working with children, youth, or vulnerable people at Lower Mountains Anglican has a Working With Children Check, Safe Ministry Check, and has completed Safe Ministry Training.

Naree Peeters is our Safe Ministry Representative who is responsible for ensuring that we comply with safe ministry procedures and regulations for children, youth and vulnerable persons.

Peter Clarke is our Work, Health, and Safety Officer.

Contact Naree Contact Peter