We gather to proclaim Christ as such we are committed to the ministry of the gospel around the Lower Mountains and beyond.
The ministries of Lower Mountains Anglican are entirely provided for by the financial support of its members. This is part of our response to God’s goodness to us in Christ. If you are giving or are planning to do so, we are thankful for your generosity under God.
Each person should give what you decide in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Giving is part of our financial commitment to the gospel. A Christian labours not to accrue personal wealth or possessions, but as a steward of God’s resources.
Christian giving flows out of the belief that everything we have is a gift from God. Our money, our time and our gifts belong to him, and have been given to us so that we can use them to serve others (1 Peter 4:10). Christians have the perfect example of generosity in the Lord Jesus who, “though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor 8:9).
As such:
If you are a member of our church, we encourage you to give prayerfully, generously, regularly and cheerfully.
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 597418
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
Please include the reference text: LMAP (your congregation time) e.g. LMAP Bla
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 597397
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
Please include the reference text: LMAP (your congregation time) e.g. LMAP GBAM
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 597434
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
Please include the reference text: LMAP (your congregation time) e.g. LMAP GMPM
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 597426
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
Please include the reference text: LMAP (your congregation time) e.g. LMAP MR
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 603777
This fund supports youth and children's ministry. You can also use this fund to make contributions to your child's participation in youth group - include the reference text: Youth (Family Name). ie, Youth Jefferson
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
BSB: 032 278
Account #: 597442
All accounts are in the name of Lower Mountains Anglican Parish
Please include the reference text: LMAP (your congregation time) e.g. LMAP Blax
We aim to be a sending church and as such we work hard to train men and women for ongoing vocational mission and ministry. This includes MTS Trainees, Youth Works students, and Moore College students who we train as Apprentices or Ministers in Training. To financially support any of our trainees, give to the account below and include the reference text: Training – [Student’s name]
BSB 032 278
Acc#: 654 080
Our intention as a church is to reach as many people around the Lower Mountains as possible. To do that we need to plant more gatherings at more locations. To ‘seed’ fund this priority we have established a ‘LMAP Growth Fund’.
If you would like to contribute to this fund, use the account information below and include the reference text: Growth Fund
BSB 032 278
Acc#: 654 080
Our parish treasurer is available if you would like:
Please contact Howard Whitehouse at: treasurer@lmap.org.au
Thank you for giving to the gospel through Lower Mountains Anglican.